About Us
Transportation safety advocates and professionals across Maine founded the Transportation Safety Coalition (MTSC) for the purpose of improving the safety of Maine roadways and byways. Read more
A Message from the MTSC Chair
Thank you for visiting MTSC’s web site. MTSC wants to be a transportation safety resource for you. It is my mission as Chair to promote the MTSC and to further spread the highway safety message to others. I believe that we as highway safety professionals are passionate about our role in saving lives on Maine’s roads, but in order to make a difference that passion needs to be expressed and passed to others around us. If you have questions or suggestions on how we can promote important safety issues, please feel free to Contact us.
– Alan Vitcavage, Chair and the Executive Board

- The coalition offers opportunities to learn, network, and share at monthly meetings.
- The coalition publishes and distributes a quarterly newsletter.